Santa Barbara Channelkeeper represents our community’s interest in clean water by providing expert, science-based stakeholder advocacy and testifying before government officials to influence policies to better protect our waters and habitats. We review and weigh in on wastewater discharge permits to ensure that requirements for pollution control, treatment and monitoring are as stringent as possible, and on Environmental Impact Reports for proposed development projects that may impact water resources and habitats to ensure that adequate mitigation measures are imposed or that environmentally harmful projects do not get built. We birddog compliance with and enforcement of clean water laws and hold polluters and government agencies accountable.

Channelkeeper also coordinates closely with the California Coastkeeper Alliance, Waterkeeper Alliance, and other Waterkeepers and partners to strengthen water policies at the state and federal levels.
Click on the links below to learn more about some of our current advocacy initiatives:
- reducing single-use plastics and encouraging and facilitating a shift to reusable or recyclable alternatives
- regulating pollution from irrigated agriculture
- reducing stormwater pollution and urban runoff
- championing a shift to more sustainable water supplies
- addressing impacts of oil and gas production
- protecting groundwater aquifers from overdraft and pollution
- supporting Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to restore and protect marine ecosystems
- restoring flow to the Ventura River
Contact Us Today
If you interested in learning more,
please call us at (805) 563-3377, email us or use the contact form below.