Join the Watershed Brigade’s Corporate Challenge!
Cleanups provide an opportunity to engage your team in a cooperative activity while remaining safely socially distanced. Cleanups can be performed independently by employees anytime, anywhere, to earn points for your company’s team. When posting about your clean-up, simply note your company’s name or add an identifying hashtag.
Download a Flyer Here to Share with your Team!
Gain community-wide visibility while your company takes positive steps for the environment.
We’ll share your team’s clean-up accomplishments through:
- social media posts,
- mentions in our Watershed Brigade eBlasts and Channelkeeper eNewsletter (4,400 total distribution),
- logo placement on our website and Corporate Scoreboard
- opportunities for traditional media coverage
- sponsorship opportunities for corporate branding on swag and clean-up kits.
- Plus, the winning company will receive additional exposure through press releases and social media posting!
How to Participate:
Get in Touch – Contact us to sign your team up. We’ll provide clean-up guidelines, resources, and participation waivers.
Email us to get started! -
Grab a Clean-up Kit – Kits include trash bags and latex safety gloves. Assemble your own or pick up supplies from Channelkeeper by emailing
Read the Safety + Outreach Guidelines & complete the Waiver / Exención
- Mobilize Your Employees to Clean Up & Share Their Results – After reading the safety & outreach guidelines, get your team out there and start cleaning up!
- Report Back – Recording your volunteer effort is critical – and super easy!
In order to earn points, report back by:
Posting to our Facebook group: Channelkeeper’s Watershed Brigade
or tagging us on Instagram or
sending an email to
Please provide the following info:
- Clean-up Date/Time/Location
- Hours/Volunteer Time
- Weight of Litter
- Photos of Litter Collected and Participants
- Watch as Your Team Earns Points on the Corporate Scoreboard! Challenge your competitors to a little friendly competition! Click here to see point allocation information. *Individuals participating in the Corporate Challenge are also eligible for Watershed Brigade Monthly Challenge prizes.